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Welcome to Year 2

Welcome from the Y2 teachers 2024-2025

Miss Pearce is the class teacher for Dragonflies. Miss Chamberlain and Mrs Spencer are the Learning Support Assistants working across Year 2.   Mrs  Qamar is the class teacher for Bees. Mr Dion is the Learning Support Assistant for Bees. 

If you need to contact us, please don't hesitate to email us: We'd be more than happy to hear from you.


Mrs Qamar            Miss Chamberlain         Miss Pearce             Mrs Spencer       Mr Dion

Important Information:

  • P.E. day is on Friday for Bees and Dragonflies. Please send your child to school in the correct PE kit.
  • Cycling day is on Thursday.
  • Reading folders to be brought in on a Wednesday. Please make sure your child reads at home at least 3 times a week and that this is recorded in their reading record.
  • Children need to learn their 2,5 and 10 times tables and be able to count up in 3's.
  • Topic and homework webs are sent home each half term. 

Class Charter:

class charter.pdf