Our Spring 1 Journey
Our Spring 1 Curriculum Overview
eyfs curriculum overview reception spring 1.pdf
Don't forget to complete some of our '10 things to do at home' challenges. How many can you complete? Email any photographs to YearR@rsmps.co.uk
10 things to do at home spring 1.pdf
Cold Places
Exploring Ice!
This week, we’ve been learning all about ice! We discovered how ice forms and what makes it melt. We even made our own ice by freezing water and watched it melt when we brought it into our warm classroom. It was so exciting to see science in action!
Two special ‘gonks’ arrived in our classroom! They love everything cold and frosty and wanted to help us learn about a place called the North Pole. Together, we have discovered some facts about the animals and people who call the North Pole home.
We looked on a globe to find where these places are.
Our value this half term is 'Courage'
We read the book 'Be Brave Little Penguin' to help us think about what having courage means and thought about the times we have showed courage.
We have been trying hard to have courage and give everything a go, this song helped to remind us to keep on persevering!
You can listen to the story here.
We have also been learning a song about courage.
We shared a time when we have been brave and showed courage.
Me and Richard have a bunk bed, I was brave when I fell off the ladder.
I was brave when I had chicken pox.
There was a spider at my Grandma's house, I was scared but I ran past it to tell my brother.
Design and Create
We have been improving our junk modelling skills, thinking carefully about how to attach boxes together and how we can use other creative materials to enhance our creations.
Here are some of our spaceships and planes.
Here we are making a house for a bird.
RE- Which Places are Special and Why?
This half term, we have been thinking about which places are special and why.
We have shared our own special places and found out about special places of worship.
It is special when I see animals, I feel happy.
When I am with my big sister and we are together.
We have explored some artefacts that might be found in a Church and a Mosque.
Big Garden Birdwatch
This half term we have been getting involved in the Big Garden Birdwatch 2025. We have learnt lots of new facts about birds and created some wonderful observational drawings. We took on the role of bird watchers and counted how many different kinds of bird we spotted. We have welcomed Joel, our school gardener to help us with our learning and especially enjoyed making bird feeders.