Useful Links

Useful Links

Riddlesden St Mary

Our Spring Two Journey

Our New Curriculum web:

spring 2 curriculum web.pdf

 Our New Homework Web:

spring 2 home learning.pdf


In Maths this half term, we are continuing to learn about decimals as well as recapping previous learning on statistics and geometry.

We will be covering:

  • rounding decimals to the nearest whole and tenth
  • ordering and comparing decimals
  • decimals and the four operations
  • Problems with money and capacity linked to decimals
  • Using bar charts, pie charts and a variety of graphs
  • Shape knowledge and features
  • Position and direction


In English this half term, we will be linking our learning to our new book 'Wonder' by R. J. Palacio. 


In Science this half term, we will be exploring the topic 'Evolution and inheritance'. We will cover a variety of subjects including:

  • the history of evolutionary theory
  • adaptations in animals and plants
  • human evolution
  • natural selection
  • genetics and inheritance in humans and animals.

0 front cover and knowledge mat.pdf


In art this half term, we will be focussing on the work of Van Gogh and will be working on a project around self-portraits. We will be linking our Art and music learning by seeing how music influences the art we create.


Our focus in Values this half term is the question "Is forgiveness conditional?" and exploring the life of Doreen Lawrence.

0 year 6 doreen lawrence.pdf


In RSE this half term, we will be exploring how the brain has developed and evolved from the primitive mind to the intellectual mind. We will also be exploring and understanding how our emotions can control and impact our brain.