Welcome to Year 1
Meet the Year 1 class teachers:
Welcome to our Year 1 class page!
Ladybirds: Miss Gini and Miss Johnson
Butterflies: Miss Bidmead
LSA: Miss Holliday, Mrs Jabeen
Important Information:
- PE days:
Our PE days are Wednesday (Butterflies) Thursday (Ladybirds). Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit and brings a water bottle.
- Reading books will be given out on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Please read 3 times per week and record this in their reading record.
- Our Year 1 email address is: year1@rsmps.co.uk please use this to communicate any amazing work you complete with your children at home or ask any questions you have. We will endeavour to reply within 24 hours. However, we will always be available at the end of the day to speak in person. Please feel free to catch us if you need to.
Class Charter:
The children decided the following values which make us special:
- Be kind
- Be brave
- Keep smiling
- Be a good friend
- Always try our best
- Listen to one another