Useful Links

Useful Links

Riddlesden St Mary

Year 3

The transition from year 2 to year 3 is managed effectively to establish your child’s confidence and independence.

This is achieved through a happy, stimulating learning environment where excellent staff and resources ensure the children achieve their potential.


Practical and fun maths underpins our learning in maths.

We use a wide range of practical apparatus, lots of talk and games to aid understanding of mathematical concepts. We give the children lots of opportunities to apply the skills learnt to problem solving and real life contexts.


Lessons are centred around a key book, linked to our topic, which we explore through talk for writing. We use a variety of media - texts, images and online activities to bring English to life.


Throughout year 3, the children are provided with weekly recorder lessons which enables them to develop their talent as musicians.

Though a range of whole class, group and individual activities, children have opportunities to explore sounds, listen actively, compose and perform.


Topic lessons capture the interest of all children in year 3 through immersive and engaging activities and role play.

Children study topics such as volcanoes and earthquakes as well as the Stone Age. The children love designing, and creating their own erupting volcano. To consolidate learning in the classroom, we go to fascinating workshops at cliffe castle.

Nell bank

Year 3’s have the opportunity to go on a residential for one night to Nell Bank.

The children become engrossed in team-working activities and love sleeping over with their friends! It boosts their confidence and gives them a real sense of independence.
“It’s so much fun and the teachers look after you. My favourite thing was when we made a den out of sticks.” Amnah


We have been very fortunate to have Maggie, the story teller, come and tell her amazing, inspiring stories to our captivated audience.