Useful Links

Useful Links

Year 6 Home Learning    

Hi! We have added the resources we have put together as learning packs for you to access from home if you wish. Don't forget you can email us if there is anything we can help you with. Don't hesitate to get in touch!  Email us at:

Spring 2 - Lockdown


Week 2 (Week Beginning 1st March)

Day 1:

English - Features of non-fiction

Day 2:

Maths - Number bonds to 1

Day 3:

Maths - Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000


Day 4:

Maths - Multiply decimals

Day 5:

Maths - Dividing decimals

Week 1 (Week Beginning 22nd Feb)

Day 1: 

English - Retrieve information from a non-fiction text


Day 2:   

Geography - Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn 


Day 3:

Science - Fossils 

Day 4:

Art - Pointillism 



Day 5:

English - Reading of the Text 


Videos from previous packs:

If you would like to watch any of the videos from previous packs, please find all video's on our Year 6 YouTube Channel below.

Learning Packs: 

Learning Pack 1

Learning Pack 2

The text in the cyber hacking article is unclear . Please click on the link below to read the text.

Cyber Hacking Article


Autumn 1

The resources below include English, Maths, Science, RE, home learning topic, webs, well-being and topic-related activities linked to our enquiry, 'How did WW2 change the world?' for Autumn 1.

 'Grab and Go' Packs

Grab and Go 1

Grab and Go 2

 2 Week Home Learning Pack

Learning Pack 1

Learning Pack 2

 Autumn 2

The resources below include English, Maths, Science, RE, home learning topic, webs, well-being and topic-related activities linked to our enquiry,  'How does conflict around the world impact us today?' for Autumn 2.

'Grab and Go' Pack

Grab and Go Pack

2 Week Home Learning Pack 

2 Week Learning Pack 1

You will need to read the first 11 chapters of our text Boy 87 to complete the work.  We have sent part of the text home but you can access the text using the following link and download to kindle if you wish. 

Look Inside Boy 87


Years 3/4 and 5/6 spellings need to be learnt before SATS examinations which commence on Monday 10th May 2021

 Spellings Mat Y3 and Y4

 Spellings Mat Y5 and Y6

 As well as the spellings above, your children need to learn certain spelling patterns.  See pages 59-63, 66-70 of the English National Curriculum document

 Spelling Rules

 All rules  need to be learned and understood, with example words spelt correctly: cious or tious endings (you use ‘tious’ if the word can end in ‘tion’ e.g. ambitious – ambition vicious – no ‘tion’ related word). e.g. vicious, precious, delicious, conscious, malicious, ambitious, cautious, infectious, nutritious, etc. cial or tial endings (you usually use cial after a vowel e.g. official and tial after a consonant e.g. essential - but there are exceptions). e.g. official, special, artificial, social, facial, partial, confidential, essential, torrential – exceptions include palatial and initial; financial and commercial (but finance and commerce end in ‘ce’ so you keep the ‘c’). ant/ancy/ance endings and ent/ency/ence endings (mostly these words just need to be learnt, but there are some clues.

For example, if there is an ‘ation’ related word, use the ‘a’ option – e.g. observant is with an ‘a’ because of observation). e.g. observant, tolerant, hesitant, substance, reluctant, innocent, decent, frequent, consistent, etc.

 ible and able endings (‘able’ is used for words with a real root word, e.g. believable and ‘ible’ is used for words with no real root word, e.g. horrible - there is no such word as ‘horr’). e.g. believable, adorable, applicable, changeable, noticeable, incredible, horrible, legible, invincible - forcible is an exception. Doubling or not doubling the ‘r’ in words with ‘fer’ in them (this comes down to stressing or not stressing the syllable. ‘Prefer’ becomes ‘preferring’ because you stress the ‘fer’ - You do not double it when it is not stressed here, like in ‘referee’). e.g. transferred, preferring, referred, inferred, referee, inference, transference, etc.

Use of the hyphen (a hyphen must be used to avoid two vowels which make separate sounds coming together, e.g. re-entry, co-own). e.g. co-ordinate, co-operate, re-enter, co-own, etc. ie or ei (you use ‘i before e except after c’ most of the time, e.g. ‘believe’ but there are important exceptions e.g. ‘ceiling, deceive’). e.g. the exceptions to ‘i before e except after c’ include ceiling, deceive, receive, perceive, conceive, etc. Words using the letter string ough (an easy one – just learn ‘thorough, nought, thought, although, plough’ etc!) e.g. thorough, nought, bought, although, plough, dough, brought, fought, etc.

Words with silent letters (focus on words like ‘island, knelt, wrestle, thistle, doubt, solemn, lamb’ etc) e.g. island, knelt, wrestle, thistle, doubt, solemn, lamb, knight, knowledge, knife, subtle, wreath, etc. Homophones (this is a very important rule. Many of our words sound the same or similar but are different, e.g. ‘advice/advise, practice/practise, device/devise, license/licence, heard/herd, morning/mourning, draw/drawer’ - you need to learn as many as possible!)

Common Homophones 

These appear VERY often in the tests, and you must learn them well enough to know the difference when you hear them in a sentence, e.g. you must know which to write down if you hear, “I put my pencil case in the drawer,” or “I used my pencil case to draw a picture.” there/their/they’re led/lead which/witch here/hear whole/hole draw/drawer prayer/pray/prey scent/cent/sent your/you’re compliment/complement seller/cellar aloud/allowed bury/berry desert/dessert license/licence morning/mourning piece/peace seen/scene thrown/throne threw/through stationary/stationery whose/who’s steel/steal profit/prophet There are lots more of these! Please try to look out for and learn them!