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Riddlesden St Mary

Progression Documents

Progression documents are used by all members of our teaching team to ensure the skills and knowledge we teach the children are progressive, build on prior learning and prepare children for the next step in their learning journey. 

Our whole curriculum is based on key texts. We know that children learn well through the power of story. Each text has either a history, geography or science theme. Where appropriate, all other subjects are built around this. Click here to see the long-term plan and the texts we have chosen to support learning in each year group. 

The way we teach each subject is set out in our subject-specific strategies. Each teacher has a responsibility to oversee each subject, working collaboratively with the rest of the teaching team to make sure our offer provides the children with the opportunity to be the best they can be by delivering a wide range of experiences to enrich, encourage and enable all children.

Please click on each subject below to access the progression document.  

History progression at St Mary's. 

Geography progression at St Mary's.

Science progression at St Mary's.

Art progression at St Mary's. 

Design & Technology progression at St Mary's.

Spanish (MfL) progression at St Mary's.

Computing progression at St Mary's. 

Physical Education (PE) progression at St Mary's. 

Maths progression at St Mary's. 

Reading progression at St Mary's. 

Writing progression at St Mary's.  

Values overview at St Mary's. 

Religious Education progression at St Mary's